The week that was: 10 July – 16 July

During the fourth full week after the Grenfell Tower fire, the Met announced that the starting point of their criminal investigation is that the fire was manslaughter; it was revealed that building certificates for the insulation state that it can only be used together with non-combustible panels; the names of those assisting the inquiry‘s chairman were announced; and the consultation period for determining the scope of the inquiry was extended to 28 July.

Council meeting to be webcast live

The council meeting on Wednesday 19 July is expected to draw a record audience. It’s the first time all the councillors meet since May, and the dominating subject will be the Grenfell Tower disaster and the equally disastrous way it was handled by the council leadership the days after the fire.
Because of the big public interest, the meeting will be held in the Great Hall, but it will also be broadcast live over the internet, so all those who can’t attend can see it.